Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Clayton Roundy
ELA 9 MR. Persinger
Short Story

         11:42 PM, June 9, 2012. A man lay there in a bed dazed and confused. He looks around seeing that he is in a room with a TV in the corner along with pink shades and a huge door with a cross,"A hospital, of course," he said aloud.                                                                                                                              
           A nurse walked in to give him his lunch and asked him how he was feeling. He looked into his mind to try and remember what happened. Yet he couldn't it was all blank like the end of a film that you couldn't rewind. He asked the nurse,"What happened to me, why am I here?"
          The man saw his bandages and felt them with awe. He sat up as the nurse walked out. In an instant he jumped out of the window to a tree outside his room and ran. He made it to a pay phone and called his friend General coal and asked him to pick him up.    
When Coal arrived the man thanked him for picking him up. Coal asked him,"How you doing George?"
         George looked down at his bandages and asked,"Do you know what happened to me?"
"Yeah you were chasing a man and you were shot by his partner,"Coal answered.
          George then passed out on the way there.  They drove back to their military operations base, and before George new it he was in a room sleeping on a cot. He got up and walked outside. He was struck by the sunlight and he could barely see. The lights cleared and he walked towards the operations tent. On the way there he felt as if everyone was staring at him with awe like he was a ghost wandering through the camp. He walked into the tent and, they were discussing a mission on apprehending an Iraqi "home base" as they call it. They were discussing the plan to infiltrate this base and they wanted to use George as their main offence. They say he has amazing weaponry and combat skills under his belt. They need him to rush in all guns blazing and take out the target and the objective. Only a select few have been chosen to go with George Synder but when they head out there's no going back.After they heard this plan they all hopped into the humvees and drove to the airbase to ship off to Iraq.
            They all arrived and hopped out of there humvees and ran to the air marshal and gave him the orders from their general. They all loaded up, a team with only ten men. These ten are the best of the best therefore they went under serious training to get where they are on the special ops team. They all sat down and listen to the engines roar when they took off. They were lying on the 737 they all wonder the story behind George John Synder so they all asked what is his story, who is he,and what he loved most in the world. He said after that,"I am George John Synder and I am know as the Knight Of Nights, and my story is a long one that cannot be foretold, yet I can tell you what i love most and that is my lover Julia. Me and her were dating for 3 years that was until General Coal asked me to join him in this war. That was when I had to leave her, and i still where this locket with her picture on it every day and night and it will be that way for the rest of my life."
        As they approached there destination they all prepared there chutes for there jump. There door opened and they all jumped out into the cold night sky. As they landed on the ground there was an eerie quiet sound that night like the calm before the storm. They walked toward the base as silent as possible  and looked at it with awe seeing that it was heavily guarded by Iraqi soldiers. Synder told the rest to go around back and he'll take care of the rest. Synder walked up to the front of the base axes and arm shield drawn. They fired at him and he deflected all of their bullets and unloaded his fury on them full force, no holding back. He threw himself at him and began to slaughter any one who got in his way. he threw his axe at a man who came at him with a knife. He had a hand pistol in his back pocket and shot at at the other men some of them ran away not because they were scared but because they had weapons behind them. He hid behind one of the cars for cover from there firing. he then looked at his axe still stuck in the man he killed. He ran for it and pulled it out of the man's chest and began to run at them.
          He was dodging and weaving in between them all. He would never miss the swing of his axes, once a swung he hit something all ways. He then burst through the black steel doors of the warehouse and began to shoot at the soldiers inside. His aim was accurate and his precision was clean. anyone who got close got sliced with freshly sharpened axes. He saw a man running across the catwalks of the base and George yelled,"Stop that guy."                                                                                                                                 

          His team surrounded the man up top and George arrived to them in a hot second. George told them,"Turn him around."
           He saw his face and began to remember all the events that happened before he was in the hospital. He then said with a angry voice,"You are the one who shot me."
            "Yes I shot you not for money or asset,but for sport," in the next moment the man pulled out a submachine gun from his pants and shot all the men around him. George was shot in the leg and fell to the ground. George looked at the man with disgust and said,"Is this what you really want me dead. If you look all around you there is millions of dollars worth of weapons you're going to be rich."
          The man looked at George and shot his other leg and George grunted in agony. The man said,"You're my true prize."
           The man shot him in the stomach with a ruthless smile on his face he looked away for one second enough time for George to take one of his battle axes and threw it at him and as he and George were at the final breathe George said painfully,"Dear lord bless my love and let her be safe.